Adina Foundation Uganda
AFU offers holistic rehabilitation to Children with Disability (CWD) through physical rehabilitation; Physiotherapy, corrective surgery and provision of assistive devices, education through; catch up classes at the rehabilitation Centre and education sponsorship in formal and vocational training schools, psychosocial and livelihood support.
Anai Ward
Lira City West Division,
Lira City
Tel: +256392880678
AFU has offered physical rehabilitation to over 1300 children through corrective surgery, physiotherapy and provision of assistive devices.
AFU has trained 572 teachers on Inclusive education aimed at enhancing school retention and completion among CWDs.
AFU has trained 1999 parents/community members on the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) approach to managing disability.
AFU has provided livelihood support in the form of bee keeping, piggery and goat rearing to 999 households.
Our Vision
Vulnerable and underprivileged children and youth especially Children with Disabilities (CWDs) fully participate as equal members of their community.
Our Mission
To promote equal opportunities for CWDs through holistic Rehabilitation (Physical, Education, Psychosocial and Livelihood Support).
Goals & Objectives
Enhance provision of accessible rehabilitation through physiotherapy, corrective surgery, provision of assistive devices education, psychosocial and livelihood support services to the community.
Provide comprehensive physical therapy services.
Enhance provision of quality education for Children with Disabilities (CWDs) in Northern Uganda.
Provide psychosocial support to children and youth in need of rehabilitation services.
Promote child rights and responsibility among Parent Support Groups (PSGs).
Promote social economic empowerment for parents of CWDs.
Holistic Rehabilitation
Structure & Governing Council
AFU has a board which plays the oversight role in the organization. The Board provides leadership, accountability mechanisms within the organization, provides checks and balances, adheres to legal requirements and sources expertise, advise and support to the organization. Board members use their potential and expertise in their respective areas of competency such as participating in interview panels, comment on a program or departmental performance. Etc. AFU Board tasks generally fall in to legal, human resource, strategic, financial, managerial, trusteeship and public relations. The board meets quarterly.